The most convenient way to avoidsites in Mozilla Firefox is by using a totally free, third-party add-on knownas Block Website. The Block Website expansion prevents sites that have beenincluded to its "blacklist," but it can also be set up to eliminateany hyperlinks to the clogged sites by displaying non-functional textualcontent instead of backlinks. Block Website also has a "passwordprotection" function that inhibits undesirable changes to Block Website byothers.
1. Start Mozilla Firefox ,click on "Tools" then "Add-ons." Click "GetAdd-ons" and then "Browse All Add-ons." Kind "blocksite" in the look for bar after the Mozilla Firefox add-ons web pagereveals and hit "Enter."
2. Simply select the "Add toFirefox" option next to the access for Block Site. Allow the add-on tofill (usually less than 5 seconds), then select the "Install Now"option. Reboot Mozilla Firefox when motivated.
3. Go to "Tools," then"Add-ons," then click the Prevent Website "Preferences"option after Mozilla Firefox reboots. Make sure the "Blacklist"stations option is checked, as well as "Enable Prevent Website,""Enable caution information," and "Enable link treatment."
4. Examine "Enableverification," then get into a code if you would like to keep othercustomers from removing clogged sites or modifying the configurations in BlockSite without your authorization.
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